One of my favourtie places to's lovely when we're sailing along, watching the water go by underneath the hulls...waiting for the dolphins!
Giving the Screecher an airing at Southsea Marina, South Coast UK, Summer 2021
Why is it that our table only ever seems tidy right before we have visitors on board? :)
It's actually the Nav table!
Very often, we're in this sort of state. Tools and stuff all around, as various projects are being tackled. Pass the spanner.....
...can't tell you how many times this has been restocked....
Sailing along the South Coast, UK, during Summer 2021. So many layers, boots, coat, hat, gloves. Didn't last long, though...and it was soon all off!
Happy at the helm
Summer 2021: we beached her at Bembridge, Isle of Wight, UK...and gave her bottom a good scrub
Sitting in the tender, working on the outboard motor. At least the sun was shining...
New decals on the Starboard stern steps
New decals on the tender... Dink. As per my child nickname (Deb Dink!)
Getting help flaking then rolling one of the sails...
Summer 2021. First time we practised dropping anchor with our new Rocna 25kg...and we pulled this up. Won't be telling you where we were just in case all your lights went out!
It just has to be done...having a sort out. Believe it, or not, all this is stored on board
We anchored in this stunning environment, right next to Mount Edgecombe Country Park. Beautiful.
Had to get hauled out to fix a 'hole' after accidentally hitting rocks when we left Plymouth a couple of days earlier. Oops. No harm done.
Beautiful Bryer. Anchored here for, well, not long enough. Felt like Robinson Crusoe!
Keira, the hawk, comes to Gosport Marina, South Coast UK, in the summer to frighten away the starlings and gulls. She does an amazing job.
...sailing from Guerney to Cherbourg, between the French coast and Alderney. Awful, bleurgghhh :)
We were caught in this storm...very frightening. We rode it out...
So, we caused some damage when we left Plymouth, in the pitch black dark. All was well, we got hauled out in Guernsey and did a quick fix in an hour.
Fur coat and slippers? hahahahah
Took the ferry from Guernsey and then cycled around Sark. As you can see, it's an incredible place
In the Scillies, Captain fancied himself as a stylist...
The smallest chapel
This has been our view for some lucky
Tied up at Town Quay, Summer 2021
Setting (and re-setting) the anchors to prepare for Storm Every which hit us in the Scillies, Summer 2021
Not enough pictures of Deb paddleboarding...must do more...
Anchored here. Stunning.
Mel and Steve and their cat, No Worries. Together in Barn Pool Bay, Plymouth, UK 2021
Made and fitted by us. Endeavour Quay, Gosport, UK. Summer 2020
Did the work ourselves, Endeavour Quay, Gosport, UK. Summer 2020
Confined to my Cabin, January 2020 and fed via fishing net! :)